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Can I use ATMs in Indonesia to withdraw Rupiah?

Yes, you can use ATMs in Indonesia to withdraw Rupiah. Most ATMs accept international debit and credit cards, especially those affiliated with major networks like Visa, Mastercard or Cirrus.

In Indonesia, ATMs are widely available in larger cities and popular tourist destinations like Bali. But it can be difficult to locate one in more rural locations. You might want to stock up on some rupiah in advance if you are traveling to one of Indonesia's smaller towns.

Here are few things you should know when withdrawing Rupiah at ATMs in Indonesia: 

  • Use ATMs attached to a major bank branch

The best ATMs to use are those found in large banks' lobby areas. Since all of these ATMs have security personnel on duty around-the-clock, there is absolutely no danger that they will be stolen.

  • Go inside the bank for large transactions

The typical withdrawal limit from an ATM in Bali is less than 2.5 million Rupiah. You might be tempted to make several transactions to top up your holiday spending funds because of these low withdrawal restrictions, but each time you do, you will be assessed transaction costs from both your local and home banks.

  • Stock up on cash before festivals and public holidays

Locals withdraw large sums of cash from the banks in the days preceding the major public holidays and festivities. The day before public holidays, when, guess what, the banks are closed, this always leads to ATMs running dry.

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