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Can New Zealand citizens go to Laos?

Yes, New Zealand citizens can visit Laos for tourism or leisure purposes. The national government has established an electronic travel permit known as the Laos eVisa Approval Letter to make it easier for travelers to visit Laos.

This enables people from 150 countries, including New Zealand, to apply for a Laos e-Visa online. This saves passengers the inconvenience of visiting a local Lao embassy or consulate and waiting in long lines for a visa.

To begin applying for a Laos eVisa, visitors can visit the Laos Imigration Services website and apply. We will next be prompted to provide the necessary personal information.

The eVisa Approval Letter for Laos permits New Zealand nationals to stay in the Southeast Asian country for a total of 30 days. 

The online tourist visa to Laos is processed in around three business days. Travelers should simply ensure that they have all of the essential documentation to enter the Laos PDR upon arrival and that all of the relevant criteria are satisfied.

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