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How to get to Laos from Australia?

You can go to Laos from Australia if you meet all entry requirements.  Here are the ways you can get to Laos from Australia:

  • By plane: There are direct flights from Sydney and Melbourne to Laos' capital, Vientiane. Flight time is around 10 hours. AirAsia, Thai Airways, and Qantas are some of the other airlines that fly to Laos from Australia.
  • By land: Land travel to Laos is also possible from Thailand, Vietnam, or Cambodia. The most popular border crossing point between Thailand and Laos is at Huay Xai/Chiang Khong.
  • By bus: There are also buses that travel from Bangkok, Thailand to Vientiane, Laos. The journey takes around 12 hours.

The easiest way to go to Laos from Australia depends on your budget and time constraints. If money is an issue, you can travel by land from Thailand. You can travel directly to Laos if you have more time and money.

Here are some additional tips for getting to Laos from Australia:

  • Book your flights or bus tickets in advance, especially if you are traveling during the peak season.
  • Make sure you have a valid visa before you travel to Laos.
  • Pack light, as you will have to carry your luggage with you when you cross the border.

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