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Can Malaysia travel to North Korea?

Malaysians are currently prohibited from visiting North Korea unless they are going there for official diplomatic, medical, or humanitarian purposes. The Malaysian government has placed a travel restriction on all Malaysians as a result of reports that some of its people traveled to North Korea for illicit purposes. Any Malaysian wishing to travel to North Korea must first seek permission from the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

You can receive assistance to apply for permission to visit North Korea from the Malaysian Embassy in Beijing, China. However, visitors should note that the visa process to North Korea is a difficult and drawn-out procedure, and the final decision belongs to the North Korean government.

If Malaysians obtain permission to enter North Korea, their travels are subject to more stringent regulations than those of other tourists. For example, they must submit an official itinerary and travel expenses before entering the country, and they might have to pay a higher visa fee and face surveillance from North Korean officials while they are there.

Travelers should make sure that their itinerary and activities comply with North Korean laws and regulations and learn the country's current security situation before booking a trip. Additionally, Malaysian nationals must ensure that they have a current passport, a valid visa, and any other paperwork, such as permission documents and travel insurance.

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