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How much does it cost to travel to Malaysia?

The cost of traveling to Malaysia varies depending on your travel style, but it’s known as an affordable destination for all types of travelers . For budget travelers, a daily expense of $30 to $50 can cover basic accommodation, food, and transport. Hostels or guesthouses are available for around $10 to $20 per night, while local street food costs between $2 to $5 per meal.

Mid-range travelers can expect to spend $50 to $100 per day. This includes staying in comfortable three-star hotels (around $30 to $50 per night), enjoying a mix of local and international meals (approximately $10 per meal), and using domestic transportation like buses or trains, which are generally inexpensive.

For luxury travelers, the daily budget can go upwards of $150, with five-star hotels costing between $80 to $150 per night. Fine dining, guided tours, and private transportation will also add to the expenses.

Flights to Malaysia range from $500 to $1,000, depending on your origin and booking time. In addition to accommodation and food, activities such as entrance fees to attractions, island hopping tours, or cultural experiences should be factored in, costing around $20 to $50 for most attractions.

If you need more information, please contact us for applying for a visa, booking flight and hotel reservation.

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