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Which country has the most Uzbek immigrants?

Russia has the largest number of Uzbek immigrants, being the main place for people from Uzbekistan to find work. As of 2023, about 1.2 million Uzbeks were living in Russia, making up around 60% of all Uzbeks living outside their country. This high number is due to the strong historical connections between Russia and Uzbekistan, along with easier job opportunities in Russia, especially in fields like construction and farming.

After Russia, Kazakhstan is another key destination, with around 200,000 Uzbek migrants. Reports from 2023 show that 63.6% of workers in Kazakhstan come from Uzbekistan. There is also a growing interest in moving to Turkey, which has cultural ties and job prospects; about 113,800 Uzbeks were living there by late 2023.

Additionally, many Uzbeks are moving to various European countries, particularly Poland, where they hope to find better living conditions and jobs. The main reason for this migration is economic; many young people graduate each year but struggle to find good jobs in Uzbekistan. To move abroad legally, Uzbeks often need to apply for a visa, which can include various requirements like a valid passport and an invitation from a host country.

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