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Is my Indonesia e-Visa still valid if my passport is damaged during the trip?

If your passport is destroyed during your travel, your Indonesia e-Visa may become invalid. Here's why.

  • Passport integrity: Your e-Visa is electronically connected to your passport. If your passport is damaged, particularly on the personal information page (e.g., photo, passport number), immigration officers may declare it invalid, which might jeopardize your visa.
  • Risk of entrance denial: Even if your e-visa is genuine, Indonesian immigration officers may refuse admission if your passport is badly damaged or cannot be scanned properly. A damaged passport may raise questions about its veracity.
  • Obtain a new passport: If your passport has been damaged, you should contact your country's embassy or consulate in Indonesia to request an emergency passport or replacement. Once you get a new passport, you may need to reapply for the e-Visa, which is linked to your previous passport.
  • Contact Indonesian immigration: If you are already in Indonesia and your passport is destroyed, you should contact local immigration officials to determine your next actions. They may advise you on how to proceed with your visa status.

To minimize problems, always keep your passport in good shape during your trips.

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